God expects His children to live according to His expectations, requirements, or His will. He has standards for us to live by and whenever we are not fulfilling them, He will let us know so that we can make the appropriate corrections. We can choose to correct ourselves or not, but if we do not we will not receive the blessings tied to the acts of obedience.
In Genesis 17:2, “The Lord appeared to Abram and said to Him, “I am the Almighty God, walk before me, and be thou perfect.”2 And I will make my covenant between me and thee, and will multiply thee exceedingly. 3 And Abram fell on his face: and God talked with him, saying, 4 As for me, behold, my covenant is with thee, and thou shalt be a father of many nations."
Please note the order of things here. First, walk before me and be thou perfect and then I will make my covenant between me and thee, and I will multiply thee exceedingly, and thou shalt be a father of many nations. This is very important to understand as a new believer. God does not lift up anyone who is not walking according to His will. He lifts up people who follow Him, but when a man lifts you up, any kind of vile person can be lifted up and vile people produce vile works.
Whenever God says something like this to you, you should know that you are not living according to His will, His requirements, or expectations, but you are doing something that does not please Him. The Bible tells us that as soon as Abram heard this he fell on his face or he humbled himself before the Almighty God.
This is how we are supposed to react when a word like this comes to us. Abram knew immediately what he had done wrong. He agreed with his wife Sarah to have his maid give him a child because they had no children for many years and 4 years later God visited him about this issue and revealed His expectations for Him and His plans for his life.
God’s expectations for us are the same today. He has not changed. Malachi 3:6 tells us, “For I am the Lord, I change not….” He wants us to walk according to His will and not make the same mistake Father Abram made by walking according to His wife Sarah’s will and his own will. Walking according to God’s will is to follow God.
John 10:27 tells us, “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: 28 And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.”
Abraham heard the voice of the Lord, and God knew him, and he followed God and that qualified him for eternal life and this is what qualifies all of God’s children for eternal life, a place where they will never perish or will never be in danger.
I John 2:17 tells us, “And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever.”
In Genesis 17:2, “The Lord appeared to Abram and said to Him, “I am the Almighty God, walk before me, and be thou perfect.”2 And I will make my covenant between me and thee, and will multiply thee exceedingly. 3 And Abram fell on his face: and God talked with him, saying, 4 As for me, behold, my covenant is with thee, and thou shalt be a father of many nations."
Please note the order of things here. First, walk before me and be thou perfect and then I will make my covenant between me and thee, and I will multiply thee exceedingly, and thou shalt be a father of many nations. This is very important to understand as a new believer. God does not lift up anyone who is not walking according to His will. He lifts up people who follow Him, but when a man lifts you up, any kind of vile person can be lifted up and vile people produce vile works.
Whenever God says something like this to you, you should know that you are not living according to His will, His requirements, or expectations, but you are doing something that does not please Him. The Bible tells us that as soon as Abram heard this he fell on his face or he humbled himself before the Almighty God.
This is how we are supposed to react when a word like this comes to us. Abram knew immediately what he had done wrong. He agreed with his wife Sarah to have his maid give him a child because they had no children for many years and 4 years later God visited him about this issue and revealed His expectations for Him and His plans for his life.
God’s expectations for us are the same today. He has not changed. Malachi 3:6 tells us, “For I am the Lord, I change not….” He wants us to walk according to His will and not make the same mistake Father Abram made by walking according to His wife Sarah’s will and his own will. Walking according to God’s will is to follow God.
John 10:27 tells us, “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: 28 And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.”
Abraham heard the voice of the Lord, and God knew him, and he followed God and that qualified him for eternal life and this is what qualifies all of God’s children for eternal life, a place where they will never perish or will never be in danger.
I John 2:17 tells us, “And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever.”
If you have never accepted Jesus as your Lord and Saviour and you would like to be saved and get to heaven and you believe in your heart that God raised Jesus from the dead and that He is the Son of God. Then repent and ask God to forgive you. Confess Jesus as your Lord and Saviour. Be baptized in His name. Receive the Holy Spirit and follow and obey Him.
Grace and peace be multiplied to you
By Evangelist K. Michael
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